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Many big suppliers willing to cooperate with BSe

Day 02/08/2021 By: IMS

Many big suppliers willing to cooperate with BSe

BSe not only being selected considerably by big Clients, but also big local & foreign suppliers to work with.

With strategy, every project done by BSe ensuring highest quality, safety, therefore BSe always looking for international quality products. So, up to now, many big product trademarks coming and negotiating to coordinate with.

During 2 days of 1 & 7 Nov, BSe welcome 2 big Groups visiting and working.

BSe thu hút nhiều nhà cung cấp lớn mong muốn được hợp tác


Dated 1 Nov, ABB Group visited and worked with BSe. In the Meeting, BSe introduced about business fields, and given Requirements of Products related.

ABB presented their Products, and eager supplying Products to BSe, and showed products suitably with outstanding advantages.


ABB đã đưa ra những sản phẩm mà phía ABB mong muốn được cung cấp cho BSe

End of Meeting, BSe highly appreciated ABB Products, and hopes ABB given supported policies. Then, ABB confirmed, they will give BSe best policy, and working with BSe soonest.

Công ty Cổ phần Kỹ thuật Bình Sơn đưa ra những đánh giá cao về sản phẩm của tập đoàn ABB

Continuously, dated 7 Nov, BSe welcome Germany Company – Ritter Starkstromtechnik. Leading by Mr. Frank Wachendorfer – Vice CEO, introduced Products with quality ones, and willing to work with BSe.

Dẫn đầu đoàn làm việc của Công ty Ritter Starkstromtechnik là ngài Phó Tổng Frank Wachendorfer

ngài Frank cho biết: “Chúng tôi luôn luôn cam kết về độ tin cậy, tuổi thọ và chất lượng sản phẩm của chúng tôi.”. Phía Ritter Starkstromtechnik cũng chia sẻ nguyện vọng được là đối tác tiềm năng của BSe.

End of Meeting, BSe highly appreciated Ritter Starkstromtechnik visiting and working with.

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