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Wishes birthday to BSe Staff in April, and May

Day 02/08/2021 By: IMS

Wishes birthday to BSe Staff in April, and May


To uphold culture and solidarity of staff, BSe organized birthday party to members having birthday in April and May. The Party happening in harmonious in Meeting Room with participated BSe Staff. 

sinh nhât nhân viên BSe


This is an activity happening monthly encouraged staff solidarity, strong attachment among Departments. Together with consideration to every staff from Management, Union Committee.


sinh nhât nhân viên BSe


BSe Staff attended and convey best wishes to members having birthday in May as:

1. Ms. Vo Thi Huong - 28/4

2. Mr. Do Cao Ky - 06/05

3. Mr. Luu Van Mich - 12/05

4. Mr. Le Thai Binh - 26/05


sinh nhât nhân viên BSe

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